Image Stylization

This website is used for the survey of Image Stylization.


🐶 We're conducting a study on image stylization techniques and would love your input! In this brief survey, you'll see examples of how real images can be transformed into various styles. We'll then ask you some questions to gather your feedback.

🐱 To participate, simply create a username for yourself. This allows you to resume the survey later if needed, or start new ones in the future. Feel free to stop at any time by clicking "done."

🐥 Alternatively, you may choose to participate anonymously (simply leave the username field blank). Please note that this will prevent you from resuming the survey later.

🐼 Your responses are valuable to our research, and as a thank you for your time, we'll be offering rewards based on the quantity and quality of your answers.

🦉 USERNAME*(Optional)

Real Image Target Style Stylized Image